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Breathing Issues and Sleep Appliances in Melbourne

Woman in bed with her hands over her eyes

Do you toss and turn in bed at night? Are you waking up grumpy and exhausted because you’re not getting the rest you require? At TMJ Therapy Centre in Melbourne, we can provide a comprehensive assessment and holistic treatment to address breathing disorders such as snoring and obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA).

OSA occurs when the walls or your airway meet or collapse while you’re sleeping, blocking the flow of air and causing you to awaken. You may end up waking up hundreds of times each night. It’s no wonder you haven’t felt rested in ages!

A significant number of people have OSA or snore excessively. If you aren’t getting the sleep that you need, we can evaluate you and determine the proper treatment.

How We’ll Help You

We’ll provide you with a proper diagnosis. Once we determine what the cause of your problem is, we’ll create a customised treatment plan that will allow you to get the sleep you deserve.

Woman on her phone in bed at night
Many people with OSA and other breathing disruptions can find the ideal solution with a splint. A customised oral appliance can make a dramatic difference in your sleep. The advantages of it include:

  • Custom-fitted to you
  • Comfortable and easy to use
  • Worn only while you sleep
  • Proven effectiveness in clinical trials and research
  • Allows your mouth to open and close
  • Minimal disruption to drinking, speaking or yawning

You’ll find that your appliance is unobstrusive with no excessive bulkiness.

The technology and materials we have access to enables us to make the thinnest and most slender appliances and gone away are thick bulky appliances. We use digital technology to reproduce the mouth and don’t need to take traditional mouth impressions with “goo like” materials that so many patients dread.

Once we evaluate you, we can determine if an appliance will help you. This device will shift your lower jaw forward, which will allow oxygen to flow through your airway as it should. Though it sounds simple, it’s life-changing for people who have been affected by breathing disorders, as well as for their spouses who have been kept awake by snoring.

Want to Learn More?

Learn more about breathing issues and sleep appliances Melbourne. Contact our team today! Health fund cover can be used for your visits.



Sleep Appliances Melbourne, Prahran, Toorak VIC | (03) 9804 7710